WOW! WOMEN ON WRITING TOUR of Finding Fran by Nancy Christie

Nancy Christie’s



Finding Fran

Midlife Moxie, Book 2

Tour Begins April 22nd

Contemporary Fiction / Women’s Fiction

Publisher: BookBaby

Publication Date: May 24, 2024

ISBN-13: 979-8350942248 / ASIN: B0CWTNN8ZC

Print Length: 302 pages


Once a best-selling romance novelist, 55-year-old Fran Carter is now dealing with a slow but steady drop in book sales and a major case of writer’s block, complicated by the knowledge that her lover, a professional photographer, has been on the wrong side of the camera (so to speak) with his models. (So much for her author brand, built on the premise that women in their fifties and beyond can still find love and happiness.) Her solution is to spend a week in isolation at a northern California bed-and-breakfast. There she hopes to resolve her professional and personal conflicts, and ultimately create a new and better future for herself by writing a new “story” for the Fran she wants to be!


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5 stars!

Inspiring and satisfying!

Finding Fran is the second book in author Nancy Christie’s entertaining and inspirational women’s fiction series, Midlife Moxie, featuring older women undergoing critical life changes. With an endearing and highly relatable heroine, this story has so much to love from start to finish.

I really loved the main character, romance author Fran Carter, even though, as more of a Diana myself, I wanted to shake her a couple of times early on. She’s a strong, capable woman who has settled into complacency, an unworthy relationship, and stagnation as a writer. This current state of being is reflected in her unfulfilling relationship with John, his one-sided relationship parameters, and her souring interest in her later-life career as a novelist, leading to flagging book sales and an uncertain future with her current publisher. The discovery of John’s true nature is her wake-up call, and she needs to re-evaluate what she wants in life and who she is as a person. Fran’s is a story of resilience, growth, and renewal: deeply foundational issues but handled in a delightfully entertaining manner. I was immersed in her struggle to overcome her emotional obstacles and get back into the game of life on her own terms. The author sets the story in a location perfect for reflection and brings secondary characters into Fran’s life who give voice to the exact things she needs to hear at just the right time. Her baby steps forward and her missteps kept me completely engaged with her journey.

I think readers of all ages and genders will be able to see a little bit of themselves in Fran, in her thinking, her failures and successes, and recommend FINDING FRAN to those who enjoy contemporary women’s fiction, especially with older female main characters.


Nancy Christie is the award-winning author of eight books—two novels: Reinventing Rita and Finding Fran; three short story collections: Mistletoe Magic and Other Holiday Tales, Traveling Left of Center and Other Stories and Peripheral Visions and Other Stories; two books for writers: Rut-Busting Book for Authors and Rut-Busting Book for Writers; and the inspirational book, The Gifts Of Change. Her short stories and essays have appeared in print and online publications, with several earning contest placement. The host of the Living the Writing Life podcast and the founder of the annual “Midlife Moxie” Day and “Celebrate Short Fiction” Day, Christie teaches writing workshops at conferences, libraries, and schools. She is a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA), the Florida Writers Association (FWA) and the Women’s Fiction Writers Association (WFWA).

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April 22nd @ The Muffin – Join us as we celebrate the launch of Finding Fran by Nancy Christie. Read an interview with the author and enter to win a copy of her book.

April 25th @ The Faerie Review – Visit Lily’s blog for a spotlight of Finding Fran by Nancy Christie.

April 26th @ StoreyBook Reviews – Visit Leslie’s blog for her spotlight of an excerpt in Finding Fran by Nancy Christie.

April 26th @ Bookplaces – Visit Kay’s blog for her review of Finding Fran by Nancy Christie. She’ll also be interviewing the author as well!

April 29th @ Just Katherine – Join Katherine to check out her review of Finding Fran by Nancy Christie.

May 1st @ Affinito Lit – Join Stephanie for a feature of Finding Fran and a chance to win an eBook.

May 4th @ A Wonderful World of Books – Visit Joy’s blog for her spotlight of Finding Fran by Nancy Christie.

May 5th @ Bring on Lemons – Join Crystal for a review of Finding Fran by Nancy Christie.

May 7th @ A Storybook World – Visit Deirdra’s blog for her spotlight of Finding Fran by Nancy Christie.

May 9th @ Knotty Needle – Join Judy’s blog for a review of Finding Fran by Nancy Christie.

May 10th @ Beverley A. Baird – Visit Beverley’s blog for her review of Finding Fran by Nancy Christie.

May 15th @ Writer Advice – B. Lynn Goodwin will be interviewing Nancy Christie about her book Finding Fran.

May 17th @ Sarandipity’s Designs – Join Sara for her interview with author Nancy Christie. You’ll also have the chance to win a copy of the eBook.

May 20th @ World of My Imagination – Join Nicole for her review of Finding Fran by Nancy Christie.

May 21st @ Sara Trimble’s blog – Visit Sara’s blog for her review of Finding Fran by Nancy Christie.

May 22nd @ Create Write Now – Mari L. McCarthy will be spotlighting Finding Fran by Nancy Christie.

May 24th @ Word Magic – Visit Fiona’s blog for a spotlight of Finding Fran by Nancy Christie.

May 26th @ Boys’ Mom Reads! – Visit Karen’s blog for her review of Finding Fran by Nancy Christie.


Filed under Book Reviews, Contemporary fiction, Women's Fiction

3 responses to “WOW! WOMEN ON WRITING TOUR of Finding Fran by Nancy Christie

  1. Thanks for having me here and sharing info about FINDING FRAN!

  2. What a lovely review! I’m so glad you enjoyed Fran’s story!

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