Book Blitz & Giveaway: Frowns and Gowns (Mischief, #5) by Amanda M. Thrasher

The Mischief Series, Book 5
Children’s Chapter Book / Fantasy / Fairies
Publisher: Progressive Rising Phoenix Press
Page Count: 236 pages
Publication Date: September 12, 2023
Embark on a Magical Adventure with Lilly, Boris, and Jack!
Get ready to join Lilly, Boris, and Jack on an unforgettable journey filled with excitement, laughter, and a touch of mayhem. Brace yourself for a whirlwind of mishaps as these three fairies plan a magnificent magical ball, only to encounter an unforeseen disaster! Experience the magic of friendship with Lilly, the quick-witted and resourceful fairy, Boris, the mischievous fairy with a heart of gold, and Jack, the troublemaker with a curious, adventurous spirit on their latest adventure.
Throughout, Lilly, Boris, and Jack teach the true meaning of friendship and teamwork. Together with their friends, they’ll overcome challenges, learn valuable lessons, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Don’t miss out on this enchanting tale!
4 stars!

Sweet and whimsical children’s chapter book featuring young fairies.

Frowns and Gowns is the fifth book in author Amanda M. Thrasher’s cute Mischief series, in which fairy children learn to become part of their community in the mushroom patch. With relatable characters working together to make their first official fairy ball a success, the book explores some common feelings children may experience when faced with engaging in a big, milestone event.

The story centers around a close-knit circle of fairy girls and boys with different interests and abilities. While most of the girls are beyond excited to wear a beautiful custom-designed ballgown for their first grown-up fairy ball, the boys are less than thrilled. (I had been curious about the title from the start, and after reading, I finally understood the meaning.) One of my favorite moments in the book comes when Lilly calls out Boris and Jack for not participating with the group.

“Lilly glared at Boris and then at Jack. The boys shifted their weight from one foot to the other, uncomfortable with Lilly’s stare. Make her stop. Make her stop, Boris thought as Lilly held her stare. Make her stop!”

While the opposing attitudes seem to fall along gender lines, the author steps outside the stereotype with female characters who also have little interest in fancy dress or dancing.

The fairies’ school and home are in a fairy colony in a mushroom patch, and there are lovely descriptions of calm, idyllic meadows, woods, and cool, clear brooks. I enjoyed the clever place names the author adapted to fit the fairy school theme or colony location (i.e., fairytorium, class ‘shrooms.)

The story has a clear message of teamwork and friendship without being heavy-handed. Although this is the fifth in the series, it can easily be read and enjoyed independently without reading the previous books. There are brief mentions of incidents from prior adventures, but they only made me more interested in reading these.

With its sweet message of working together and supporting each other without any controversial or harrowing conflicts to overcome, I recommend FROWNS AND GOWNS to young chapter book readers who enjoy fantasy stories and fairy tales.

Award-winning author Amanda M. Thrasher was born in England and moved to Texas, where she lives with her family. She writes YA, general fiction, middle grade, early reader chapter, and picture books. She is the founder and CEO of Progressive Rising Phoenix Press.

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of all five books in The Mischief Series + $25 Starbucks gift card
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